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Thursday, December 23, 2021

Give the Gift of Magic

I would say "the holiday season is upon us" but the holidays related to the darker portion of the year have been in full swing for a month or two now. Here in the USA we tend to be a little Christmas-centric and of course, the secular version of Christmas which dominates our culture is primarily about gift giving. So I suppose, gift giving season is upon us.


Stores far and wide are running sales and released their gift guides months ago.


If you're anything like me, between being busy with so many other things and the weird way in which the new normal seems to have eroded the benchmarks of time doesn't feel like we're as deep into the gift-giving season as we are. I'm mostly just starting my shopping, which is super unusual for me. I imagine a lot of people are in the same boat, so for the sorcerer on your are some gift options.


There are a ton of friends I have who provide services, classes, and write books. I'm keeping my list small and going mostly with people whose stuff I have used, but even with that limitation this list won't be exhaustive. No one has asked to be added to this list or provided anything in order to get on it. They don't even know I'm making it.


I will obviously start off with my own stuff and then provide links to the work of a handful of other awesome magicians.


BJ Swain


My books, Living Spirits: A Guide to Magic in a World ofSpirits and Luminarium: A Grimoire of Cunning Conjuration provide the spiritous sorcerer with resources to explore and engage a world full of spirits to achieve sorcerous success. Living Spirits will provide an introduction to the history of spirit magic and conjuration, a sort of field guide for exploring types of spirit and spirit ecology, and methods for working with them. Luminarium provides a fast paced method for developing a conjuration practice. It provides instruction for conjuring angels and aerial spirits but can be adapted for a wide range of spirits. Both texts provide methods for consecrating and working with Solomonic pentacles.


Rufus Opus


Seven Spheres and A Modern Goetic Grimoire reflect the systems of magic which Rufus Opus taught for years and which were the gateway for many magicians into modern conjuration. I once had a partner ask if they should work through Seven Spheres and I was very comfortable agreeing that they should. If you take your time with Seven Spheres and work with each sphere until its teachings and powers are fully blossoming in your life before moving to the next, you can achieve a pretty meaningful initiatic journey with very simple methods.


Jason Miller

I have had the opportunity to attend five or six in person classes by Jason as well as listen to one of his Arcane Audios. He has a great teaching style and is personable, accessible, and clearly has done the things he's talked about. His books are also easy to read and comprehend, provide great info, and clearly draw on a wealth of practical experience. I've had numerous friends who have dramatically deepened their experience of magic and expanded their practice by taking his courses.

Jake Stratton-Kent


Jake's Encyclopedia Goetica, comprised of Geosophia I, Geosophia II, Testament of Cyprian the Mage I, Testament of Cyprian the Mage II, and True Grimoire have essentially defined the contemporary grimoire movement. Jake's Archaic Goetia presents an image of what Jake feels magic could be if it had developed uninterrupted with a backdrop of historical imagery and sources Jake paints a portrait of a vision of spirit work which has inspired many magicians. His short work, Goetic Liturgy, should be explored by anyone working in modern magic or lodge magic. Pandemonium and A Sworn and Secret Grimoire are his newer works and further his efforts to highlight magic from sometimes overlooked sources. 


Hawk Grubb


If you need astrology services I can't recommend Hawk Grubb enough. I've even considered getting a consult for a friend myself this holiday season. I've had the pleasure to have several discussions about astrology with Hawk as well as having had Hawk review my chart, and then later discuss elements of it while they appeared on my podcast. I have recommended to other friends that they look to Hawk when looking for a partner for astrological work. Hawk is hands down the first source I'd turn to when looking for an astrologer and they are friendly, knowledgeable, practical, rooted in tradition, and able to clearly tie the stars to things you'll experience in your life.


Practical Occult


Do you need magical treasures? Are your sorcerous friends discerning occultists in search of powerful tools? Then check out the items offered by the infamous Alison Chicosky. I say infamous because she has put some lesser magicians to flight as they clumsily challenged her work recently. Some of this challenge has been over interesting expansions in her product line drawing inspiration from the Greek Magical Papyri. The main product for which Alison is known are her fully consecrated Solomonic Pentacles. I myself have had two of these and they have a powerful presence that immediately begins to move and effect things as soon as they arrive.


Wolf and Goat


Unfortunately, this business is no longer in business. I have not had experience with ordering things from the business so I can't speak to anything related to that. But I have taken two awesome classes they offered. As far as I understand their classes are still available to purchase as recordings. There is one I am considering getting while they are still available. I highly recommend you check them out while they are still there.


Hopefully you'll find some nice options for electronic gifts and services that you can purchase, or gifts you can send to people after the Holidays wrap up with these various providers. Or hopefully you find some cool gifts for yourself.

Update: Originally this was supposed to be a post last week but the sudden rush of catching up with impending holiday events kept me from most work on a computer...fortunately almost all of these options have options for Kindle Editions or EPubs, or online classes, and others are gifts that people will happily receive in the new year.


Thanks for reading Glory of the Stars, if you'd like to show support some way as we wrap up the year, here are some options.

Thanks everyone, have a happy holiday!