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How to Do Grimoire Magic for Free (Or At least Inexpensively)

Let's cut to the chase. You want access to accessible, workable, effective magic. This class gives you that access with easy-to-follow information, and simple methods that don't cost a ton of money and don't require intense or weird preparations. Because the point is accessibility, the class is offered at (the slightly cliche) price of $7.77. Less than $8 dollars for 485 minutes of instruction.  

Before we get to the details, do you want to do magic that has a positive impact on your life? Not just in the spiritual or emotional sense, but in the physical world around you? If so, start this course today. The final class includes a description of my first conjuration experiences through which I doubled my salary, and discusses other conjurations that brought in tens of thousands of dollars for multiple people. Those experiences are exciting, and hopefully they've grabbed your attention, but the focus of that segment of the class is on you. It works to remind you that your magic is yours, and it's there for you to use as you need to, and as you want to, so you can add to your life, and the lives of those you care about, in the ways you see fit. 

You can click to the class page here if you're already excited for it, or keep reading to learn more. 

What's included?
*Several Hours of Easy to Understand Audio Instruction*
*A PDF Grimoire with Methods for Contacting at least 5 Types of Spirits*
*An Online Group for Sharing your Progress and Getting Inspiration from Peers*

Whether you have never done grimoire magic and want to start, or you have worked with it and want to explore it further or consider simpler options for using it, this class has material for you. 

Real magic will never be 100% safe, and it will always require some effort. There are DEFINITELY legitimate forms of magic that are expensive, time consuming and difficult to get started with. But, not all real magic has to be that way. Getting started isn't insurmountable.  

Sometimes when we oversimplify we give up the ability to actually cause real perceptible change and focus on experiencing feelings-focused benefits instead. 

Real effective magic can still be simple and affordable. The valuable changes magic can make don't have to be locked away behind the expensive paywall of high-cost tools, expensive master classes, or rigid demands to follow one narrow way. 

Real effective magic can start impacting your life with methods you can begin today that are rooted in centuries of tradition with histories of effectiveness. It can be affordable, understandable, accessible, and suited to your comfort level and interests. 

This class includes:
Main Class - Introduction (51min)
Supplemental Class - Pacts and Offerings (1hr 26min)
Main Class - Prayer and Conjuration (12min)
Supplemental Class - Prayer (44min)
Main Class - The Arbatel and the Elementals (17min)
Supplemental Class - The Olympic Spirits (32min)
Supplemental Class - The Elementals (26min)
Main Class - Trithemius (Conjuring Spirits into Crystals) (4min)
Supplemental Class - Trithemius (45min)
Main Class - Pentacles and Hoodoo (11min)
Supplemental Class - Pentacles (1hr 35min)
Additional Class - What if you're not a Christian (40min)
Additional Class - How I DOUBLED my Salary with Magic, or, What can this Magic be used for? (48min)

A total of 8 hours of audio, plus a 90 page book filled with commentary and instruction added to the components collected from various grimoire sources. 

Do you want a better look at the class before you buy? You can take a look at the course syllabus as a free preview

This post is a little salesy, but hopefully the price versus the value makes that acceptable. Ultimately, I want you to feel excited though, because I want to put this ball in your court and let you run with it. I want you to be able to run with it right away. 

You can buy the course here

It contains 13 audio files (some WAV, some M4A), and 3 PDFs, one of which is the invitation to join the Facebook Group, another, the grimoire which serves as the textbook, and the remaining one is the syllabus. The syllabus links to several additional resources, mostly freely available blog posts, to supplement your learning. 

The low price is because it would feel RIDICULOUS to do a class on this theme and then charge a bunch of money for it. I'm completely on board with professionals making money for their work, but I also believe we should serve our communities. So I want this class to be affordable for everyone. I hope because of that, you'll share my excitement, and my desire to get this class in the hands of a lot of people, and share a link to this promotional page or to other promotional materials as they roll out. If you think my pricing is crazy and I deserve more for this level of output, share the link so more people see the course, or if you really want, you can visit my Support page. 

The main thing on the agenda today though? Getting you started with affordable grimoire magic

This course grew out of material I taught at conferences in 2024. For free Conference class material check out
Four Magicians: Exploring Divergence in Tarot (Coming Soon)

More free material is always available at 


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